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Posted by Angie Schneiderman | Feb 12, 2016 | 0 Comments

Thirteen years ago a groIMG_5433up of women who were members of the Junior League of Sioux City decided to rally community support to open a children's museum in Sioux City.  After years of hard work and dedication, their vision has paid off as the LaunchPAD Children's Museum has opened its doors in downtown Sioux City.  The PAD in LaunchPAD stands for Play And Discover, as the exhibits are designed to encourage children to interact with them.  There is a cow to “milk,” a large, vertical maze that can be climbed, a market with a grocery scanner, and many other activities.  The exhibits are not only fun to play with, but each one teaches kids different lessons in science, engineering, art and even physics!

Moore, Heffernan, Moeller, Johnson & Meis, L.L.P. is proud to have provided legal services to the LaunchPAD Children's Museum and extends its congratulations to everyone who made this amazing vision a reality!


About the Author

Angie Schneiderman

Practicing since 2002, Angie’s practice focuses on real estate, business and commercial law, and litigation. She specializes in property tax assessment and valuation, and also assists the Firm’s estate planners with various disputes.


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