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Siouxland Estate Planning Council Named 5 Star Council by the National Association of Estate Planners & Councils (NAEPC)

Posted by Unknown | Nov 12, 2021 | 0 Comments

Moore Corbett wishes to congratulate the Siouxland Estate Planning Council on being named a 5 Star Council by the National Association of Estate Planners & Councils (NAEPC).  This award is presented to estate planning councils that have demonstrated a high level of achievement in areas critical to a successful membership experience.

“The estate planning councils being recognized as 5 Star Councils provide a high level of member service and are contributing to the success of not only their members, but to the estate planning profession and the community as a whole.  We are very proud of them and their work and congratulate their leadership on a job well done.”  NAEPC President William D. Kirchick.

The Siouxland Estate Planning Council is a multidisciplinary organization that supports the team concept of estate planning.  Membership is open to attorneys, trust officers, accountants, insurance and financial planners, planned giving professionals, investment advisors, farm managers, and other allied professionals.

Moore Corbett Partner, Karrie R. Hruska, is the current President of the Siouxland Estate Planning Council.

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