Moore, Heffernan, Moeller, Johnson & Meis, L.L.P is pleased to announce that it is launching a new website for persons suffering from a Vaccine Injury and seeking representation in the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (NVICP). Vaccine Injury Pros, at, explains the NVICP and how the firm can help people who experience adverse reactions after receiving a vaccine.
The NVICP is a federal program which compensates persons who experience a Vaccine Injury, which occurs when a child or adult suffers a reaction lasting at least six months or resulting in death from covered vaccines. The vaccines include many of the most common vaccines administered, including the normal childhood vaccines and the seasonal flu vaccines.
Claims for compensation to the NVICP are made to the U.S. Court of Federal Claims located in Washington, D.C., by filing a petition. An attorney representing a petitioner must be admitted to practice in the U.S. Court of Federal Claims.
Speaking for the firm, partner Richard Moeller, who has been representing clients in the Program since 1998, is excited about the firm's new outlet. “So few people are aware that the Program even exists. It's not until they search the internet that they learn there is somewhere they can go if they suffer a rare reaction to an immunization. Vaccine Injury Pros gives them a place to find out about the Program and what we can do for them.”
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