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Firm Scholarship Awarded to Briar Cliff University Student

Posted by Unknown | Oct 07, 2016 | 0 Comments

scholarship-lunchAttorneys from Moore, Heffernan, Moeller, Johnson & Meis attended the annual Briar Cliff University Scholarship Luncheon on October 5, 2016. The lunch provided the opportunity for the firm to meet with its scholarship recipient, Ashley Van Cleave. Ashley is a senior from Mapleton, Iowa who plans to graduate this May with a major in Biochemistry. Associate Nikki Blazey said that “it was great to hear about Ashley's goals for her future and listen to so many students express a desire to use their education to make impact our community.”

The Moore, Heffernan, Moeller, Johnson & Meis, L.L.P. Scholarship is provided annually to a student at Briar Cliff University. The firm is proud to be a part of Briar Cliff's tradition of providing scholarship opportunities so students of all economic levels can experience the quality of education and student life they offer.


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